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Mission and values

According to its status, le Centre de la Petite Enfance Panda purpose is to :

« Operate a centre de la petite enfance according to the Loi sur les centres de la petite enfance et autres services de garde à l'enfance (L.R.Q., c. C-8.2, formerly c. S-4.1, c. 16 ; 1997 C-58) and its régulations. Offer all other services to families and children. » These terms are those of the law regarding daycares services.

In fact, le Centre de la Petite Enfance Panda 's mission is more precise and reality. This mission is in application since many years. However, it is only not long ago that the team, together, putted said mission by writing which you will find below.

« Our first mission statement was crafted in the knowledge that children require a safe environment and confidence to help them grow and flourish. As a government-recognized CPE, we promote the balanced developpement of all aspects of every child. We value bilingualism, educational outings and the natural outdoor environment.

We rely on the skills and strengths of various partners to create a trusting environment. We work to develop the confidence of all our participants to ensure they feel valued.



Our mission is to create and maintain a healthy and safe environment for children and all those involved in the CPE Panda. »